together in a group
It is a privilege to receive the healing of archangels. To feel peace, trust and love. To reunite with yourself and to remember who you are. To feel connected to the divine family and everything. It's a feeling of finding home.
The archangels are divine light. They carry a very high-dimensional frequency and they are pure love. They are divine design that describes creation. Each archangel is its own creation principle. The archangels are nothing outside of you, they are within you.
The archangels want us to recreate cooperation with them and for us to do so through our hearts. They wish that we let go of all preconceived notions and everything we have previously read about them, and instead create our own relationship and get to know their true essence. We do this by feeling their presence in our hearts.
One of my abilities is to create a sacred space for others to meet in, I can hold and balance that energy. During this healing, I hold this angelic space so that you have the opportunity to get to know the angels in your way, so that you can create your special relationship.
My mission is to make you feel the presence of archangels and to realize that they are part of you. I am the one who anchors the love energy of archangels here on earth. It is an honor to share this high-dimensional healing, so that we here on earth can expand our consciousness.
The healing gives you what you need right now. When you find the angels within yourself, miracles happen. The light within you, the power, the love... Anything is possible.
I'm in the vibration of archangels, that's my true frequency.
My mission is to carry and convey this loving energy and to help people find the angels within themselves.
In my true origins, I have wings.
I had the first archangel healing in a group in March 2020, but it was long before that my and the archangels' collaboration was established and my preparations for this mission began. The process has been long. As we stepped into 2022, the energies have been further upgraded and I feel a noticeable difference in their healing. It is easier for us to meet them now that Mother Earth has raised her frequency and we with her. Since we vibrate higher now and thus closer to the angels, we can make contact with them in a way that was previously not possible. What is happening now is that the cooperation between angels and humans is being recreated.
We humans need to understand our divinity and start using our magical gifts. The new earth is here, the one in community and love.
Lotti, november 2020
How: Distance
Where: We meet in the dimension of the archangels
Date: 4 June 2024
Time: 21.00 - 21.30 Swedish time
Investment: SEK 222
Fill out the form below and pay directly when booking. You will receive a receipt by email when I see your payment. I need your payment one hour before we start the healing.
If you don't get a confirmation email from me, please check your email trash and then contact me again. Thank you.
Pay here:
Sit or lie down and relax for a few minutes before we start. If you like you can listen to music with angelic frequencies. Breathe and connect with your heart.
Try to let go of all your expectations of the healing. Let go of what you think the archangels look like, the colors or characteristics you've read. Rely on your own experience.
Don't block yourself by wanting to see. You should FEEL! FEEL WITH YOUR HEART! It is through your heart that you connect with the angels. Feel their energy.
You might fall asleep or you'll get lots of messages. Nothing is right or wrong. Everything is exactly as it should be. Every healing is perfect! Be open and accept what is to come. Let what is to happen happen.
I keep the space for archangel healing 30 minutes. You can continue to receive, the energies stays around for a long time yet.
Remember to take care of this gift you received afterwards. Allow the energy to stay within you and consciously enter the new, so transformation can take place. Replenish with nourishment and love for yourself.
Copyright © 2020 Innehar F-skatt och Ansvarsförsäkring