You will be challenged. I am here to give you the courage to face your shadows, to shake you up, push your limits and make you think and do things differently. I am here to show you a new way to live.
On this journey you'll also be experiencing a huge amount of love and how it feels to be in the frequency of love. I want you to succeed. I want you to realize your power, to stand in your own unique light, own who you are and claim your Divinity.
For many lifetimes I have served the truth and worked with healing and transformation. With all these lifetimes and years of experience, I am now ready, as Ase (my actual birth name) in this human form, to work fully in the service of the light to help humanity expand it´s consciousness.
My task is to shift your energy, transform your vibration from lower frequencies to higher, activate and upgrade you. I´ll break down the old and l will guide you out of the darkness, so you can find peace in your heart.
Your heart is the gateway.
I work together with a huge healing team that consists of many different beings of light and we convey high frequency healing that is adapted for the new earth. The old is coming to an end and we are now stepped into a new being.
You are unique. You are so much more powerful than you know. And I am here to help you realize that.
Take the step to a more conscious aware way of life and together we will cross the bridge to inner wisdom and universal awareness. Let us walk in the light.
And so it is.
We are all part of the web of life. We all have different purposes and different missions to complete. Everyone has a place and everything has a meaning.
I am here to awaken people so that they remember who they are and find the inner gifts they carry.
This is my mission and I am so grateful for it.
Do you want to be part of the Community? Together we raise the frequency of our planet, and help humanity return to it´s true consciousness.
Do you want to activate your light body and reconnect with yourself and the divine?
"Åse” is not only a given Nordic name, it is also a verb in Old Swedish meaning “to view” or "onlooking” - and rarely is someone as aptly named as Åse Hammarström!
With her stunningly spot-on perceptual abilities she indeed provides an in-depth “view” of the inner you and what is going on there – and equally important: why your life is (and was, and could be) what it is, and how to best continue on your path.
Add her remarkable healing capacities and words like “wow”, “magical”, “truly powerful” and “wow again, I mean…wow!” not only pop up, but ring truth beyond true – and those actually even aren´t enough to describe her positive impact - really!
“What´s in a name?” A question posed by many, Shakespeare included. In her case, it´s merely a good start summing up her guiding light and greatness.
My own translation would be ´Earth angel´. Thank you, Åse!
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